Saturday, January 5, 2013


January 5, 2013

Hello to all those who have been following us crazy kids around on our excursions in London. My name is Kendra Souther and I am a double major in chemistry and math from Duluth, MN. This weekend we were fortunate enough to have an entire weekend to ourselves to do whatever we wanted. My friend Mark, who is along for the journey, and I decided it would be a blast to head up to Scotland, and let me tell you it was!

For the first time I went to King's Cross to catch a train for a five hour drive up the coast. While the ride was five hours it only felt like a couple; granted I did spend most of it sleeping. Along the way I was able to take some beautiful pictures of the scenery.

Around 1:30 we arrived and  the station was full of action. Mark and I began to find our way to the hostel where  we were staying. We stopped for lunch but not before I used the restroom. This was significant for me given the fact that I had to pay 20 pence just to use the facilities.

After reaching the street we began our trek through the streets of Scotland's capital, Edinburgh. There were so many old buildings around and a river running right through the middle of the city. It was definitely a different feel compared to London. I would call the feeling homey.

When we arrived at the hostel we were greeted to a beautiful castle gazing down on us. 

The hostel we were staying at was very nice and the staff were extremely friendly. Unfortunately the room we were staying in was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde themed and made for some very creepy paintings in the room.

Finally we were off to explore this grand castle that laid before us. The castle and the views from the castle were absolutely breathtaking! I can't describe it with enough justice.

At the castle were the Scottish honours, otherwise known as the crown jewels. To see so much history of Scotland in such a unique arena was the chance of a lifetime.

For the rest of the evening we walked around the streets of Edinburgh. While out we stopped by the National Library of Scotland. There was an exhibit in honor of John Bartholomew, the man who first began to design maps. All the detail that was put into the work he did made me appreciate more the use of a map. 

We topped the night off with dinner at a local pub and called it a night early after an exhausting but eventful day of discovery in Scotland.

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